This is an archive project page.
Real-Time Object-Oriented Research
What do we do ?
Real-time CORBA
Recently the group has been instrumental
in the design of the OMG's Realtime CORBA
1.0 Scheduling Service specification. The group has also worked with
Software to provide an interface between the PERTS real-time analysis
software and the Realtime CORBA 1.0 scheduling service. This new work combines
previous work involving expression and enforcement of timing constraints
in a non-real-time ORB, with the fixed priority scheduling work. Papers
describing Real-Time CORBA research can be found here.
Real-Time Object-Oriented Databases
This work includes real-time semantic
concurrency control, object-oriented extensions to the well-known priority
ceiling protocols, value-based scheduling algorithms, and prototyping as
an extension to the Open-Object-Oriented Database System from Texas
Instruments. Papers describing the RTOODB research can be found here.
Distributed Real-Time Collaborative Services
This work involves representing real-time
data in a distributed collaborative environment, communicating via real-time
CORBA, scheduling requests within the virtual environment based on multiple
criteria, using real-time agents to automatically perform tasks for collaborating
users, and utilizing a real-time database to store the real-time data.
Papers describing the DRTCS research can be found here.
Real-time extensions to the ANSI/ISO
standard SQL database query language were developed by the URI real-time
object-oriented research group in conjunction with researchers at the University
of Masschusetts/Dartmouth, East Carolina University and the US
Navy's Next Generation Computer Resources Program. Papers describing
the Real-Time SQL research can be found here.
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