CSC305 Homepage

Software Engineering

Fall 2004


Arguably, software systems are some of the most complex artifacts humanity has ever produced. They are typically too large for a single human being to construct let alone comprehend. In this course we will look at tools, techniques, and methodologies that allow teams of  developers to deal with the complexity of modern software systems and effectively manage the software construction process from inception, design and implementation all the way to product testing and delivery.

This course offers a first hand view of a typical software lifecycle.  Teams will develop a substantial software product from requirements to delivery.  Development techniques and processes are unique to every situation and institution, but this course will expose you to a disciplined approach to software development and will prepare you for sofware development in the industrial setting.


[12/7/04] Posted final project delivery doc.
[12/7/04] Posted bobj.jar file.
[11/23/04] Posted testplan doc.
[11/22/04] Class on Tuesday 11/23 will meet in Independence Hall Rm 309 for Lab.
[11/3/04] Posted Sequence Diagram doc.
[10/22/04] Midterm, Thursday 10/28/04, comprehensive, closed book, closed notes.
[10/20/04] Posted OOD document.
[10/17/04] Posted homework #3.
[10/6/04] Posted the DIA tool for Windows.
[10/6/04] Posted OOA document.
[9/23/04] On Tuesday 9/28 the groups Poker (Ford), WebStore (Batastini), Pla (Thomas) will present, on Thursday 9/30 the groups Chess (Lee), Turbo Pong (Neher) and OnlineStore (Brodeur) will present.
[9/20/04] Posted requirements doc.
[9/16/04] Posted class notes -- they will be continually updated throughout the semester.
[9/14/04] Posted the proposal format and detailed course schedule.
[9/7/04] There will be no lab on Wednesday 9/8/04.
[8/30/04] Welcome!

Documents of Interest:

Project Milestones:

NOTE: documents are due at the end of the lab period unless otherwise noted.



Dr. Lutz Hamel
Tyler, Rm 251
Office Hours: M 10-11, W 2-3, Thur 2:30:3:30 or by appointment.


Neelima Guduru
Room: TBA
Office Hours: TBA