Fall 2015
The boot camp meets every Wednesday from 11am-12:30pm in the lobby near Tyler Rm 52.
[10/5/15] Posted session 4 on recursion.
[9/29/15] Posted session 3 on debugging.
[9/29/15] You will now need an access code to look at the boot camp sessions.
The access code is given by an automated system and should receive your code
within minutes of contacting the system.
[9/22/15] **NOTE** time change - we now meet @ 11am on Wednesdays in the lobby near Tyler Rm 52.
[9/13/15] Our first session will be on Wednesday 9/16 @ 11:30am-1pm in Tyler Rm 52. Please bring
your laptops with the Ubuntu Virtual Machine
installed in the VirtualBox.
[9/10/15] Welcome!
To access the boot camp sessions please go here.
In this weekly boot camp we examine topics on programming languages including:
- Linux based development
- Grammar specification and parser generators
- Recursion, abstract syntax, and tree walking
- Implementation of interpreters and compilers
- Type systems
- Compiling for real machines
Each week we will pick a different topic and you will work with other boot camp attendees
in small groups to solve a set of programming exercises on that topic.
Bring your laptop with the
Ubuntu Virtual Machine
installed in the VirtualBox.
Dr. Lutz Hamel hamel@cs.uri.edu
Indrani Mandal indrani_mandal@my.uri.edu
Greg Breard gtbreard@my.uri.edu
Chris Glasz cdglasz@my.uri.edu