Creating Headlines, Typeface Style, Text Colors, and Paragraphs and Horizontal Rulers

In this lesson, you will learn how to make headlines, change the style of the type face and add different text colors to a document.

You will need three windows open on your screen at this time. A Netscape window displaying this tutorial, a Netscape window to view your HTML document (experimental window), and a window in which you will type the HTML document.

Creating Headlines

You can create headlines of various sizes in your HTML document using headline tags. HTML supports six levels of headlines, starting with <h1> which displays the most prominent font size and ending with <h6> the least prominent font size.

For example, the following source:

looks as follows, viewed through Netscape:

Click on the window containing your HTML source. Change the title and insert a few of the headline tags shown above. Save your changes.

Click on the experimental window and view your HTML document. You now know how to create headlines in an HTML document.

Type Styles and Character Formatting

You can change the type style in an HTML document with the following tags:

The Tag Meaning of Tag
<b> and </b Tags Makes text bold
<i> and </i> Tags Italicizes text

For example, the following source:

looks as follows, viewed through Netscape:

Observe that the words Italicized and Bold have no spaces between them. However, when you look at the source there is a space between the tags containing the words. There is a reason for this, Web browsers ignore any white space. That is, a browser will display many spaces or many lines as a single space.

There are two ways that you can put spaces in your HTML document. The following tags will provide spacing in your document:

The Tag Meaning of Tag
<p> and </p> Tags The paragraph tag indicates where a paragraph will start and end
<br> Tag The break tag puts a line break wherever you insert it. Observe that there is no closing tag

For example, if you change the source above to the following:

and view it through Netscape:

Observe the line breaks and the small paragraph.

Click on the window that contains your HTML document.
Using the source above as an example, edit your HTML document and play around with the tags you have just learned about. Save your changes.

HTML Color Codes

You can use the following hexadecimal codes for background, text, and link colors in HTMl 3.0 documents. The tutorial will provide a small list of colors that you can play around with, if you want the full list follow this colors link.

Here are some color codes:

For example,
<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" alink ="#FF0000" vlink="#9690CC" >

creates a window with a black background (bgcolor), white text (text), blue hyperlinks that have not been visited (link), red hyperlinks that are active, that is, being selected (alink), and silver hyperlinks that have been visited (vlink). The six-digit number and letter combinations represent colors by giving their RGB (red, green, blue) value. The six digits are actually three two-digit numbers in sequence, representing the amount of red, green, or blue as a hexadecimal value in the range 00-FF. For example, 000000 is black (no color at all), FF0000 is bright red, and FFFFFF is white (fully saturated with all three colors).

WARNING: If you omit the delimitors "# and " around the hex numbers, you will get unpredicatable colors.

To summarize,

bgcolor- specifies the background.
text- specifies non-hyperlinked text.
link- specifies unvisited links.
alink- specifies active links during selection.
vlink- specifies visited links.

For example, the following source:

looks as follows, viewed through Netscape:

Click on the window that contains your HTML document and change the color of some text. Save your changes, and view it through Netscape.

Horizontal Rulers

You can separate portions of your HTML document using the following tag:

<hr> Tag
This tag will display a horizontal line.

You can vary a rule's size (thickness) and width (the percentage of the window's width is covered by the ruler). For example:

<hr size=4 width= 70%> displays as:

Next Topic: Creating Lists
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