mishmash n.
a confused mess; hodgepodge; jumble.

well, this is just a random collection of stuff, as the title would imply. enjoy...or something...

     "Why is it called Dr. Device?"
     "When it was developed, it was called a Molecular De-
tachment Device. M.D. Device."
     Ender still didn't understand.
     "M.D. The initials stand for Medical Doctor, too. M.D.
Device, therefore Dr. Device. It was a joke." Ender didn't
see what was funny about it.

MOO! these were actually made by Greg Menton (our webmaster) :)

linux rambling based on What If UNIX Systems Ran Airlines?
NOTE: it appears the site with the original is down (probably for the summer at least). try my local copy which I snagged from here.

more later...
