Challenge Problem

Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems 2005 (WPDRTS05)

April 4th and 5th, 2005, Denver, Colorado


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Problem Description: "Detection and Reaction to Unplanned Operational Events in Large Scale Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems"
One of the challenges in the management of resources (e.g., processors, memory, networks, communications, power) is the detection and reaction to operational events that were unplanned or unanticipated but shouldn't cause failures (unexpected behavior). What approaches, methods, architectural features, and mechanisms exist, are under development, or are the subject of research to deal with these sorts of situations?

Problem Details: Click here to see a more detailed discussion of the challenge problem.

Submitting a Solution:
To submit a solution to this challenge problem, please send an exnteded abstract (3-5 pages) to and to by November 30. Please specifically describe how your solution addresses the issues of detection of and reaction to unplanned events.

 Lisa DiPippo,