Special Session: Formal Methods for Real-Time Systems

Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems 2005 (WPDRTS05)

April 4th and 5th, 2005, Denver, Colorado


[Call for Papers]

[Important Dates]




[Related Links]


The aim of this Special Session is to bring together researchers, designers and developers interested in formal methods used to support analysis and design of time critical applications.

The session is focused on:

  1. Advances in theory of timed DES (Timed Automata, Timed Petri Nets, )
  2. Scheduling and discrete optimization of systems with timing constraints
  3. Schedulability analysis of RT applications (RMA, Response Time Analysis, , )
  4. Modeling issues and case studies
  5. Other topics related to formalisms with deadline constraints


To submit a paper for this special session, please submit a manuscript of up to 15 pages to the workshop site and to hanzalek@fel.cvut.cz by November 1, 2004. Any other questions about the workshop in general should be addressed to Lisa DiPippo (dipippo@cs.uri.edu) or Vana Kalogeraki (vana@cs.ucr.edu).

 Lisa DiPippo, mailto:dipippo@cs.uri.edu