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Student Presentations (Spring 2024)

Students are required to form teams consisting of one or two members each. The objective for each team is to achieve expertise in a specific topic and collaboratively deliver a presentation to the class. Each presentation is limited to a maximum of 12 minutes. The final deliverable (via Gradescope) for each team is expected to be a set of slides in PDF format, focusing on the chosen topic.

Presentation Schedule


The presentations will be held on Tue Apr 30th, 1pm in Tyler 55, following the order below:

What? Who?
Roofline Model Ericsen, Tanya
Loop Optimizations Grace, Tyler
Out-of-Order Execution Jakob, Ebrahima
Raspberry Pi Grant, Max
Intel 4004 Andrew, Tyler
Evolution of Intel processors: from single core to multi-core Matthew, Jackson
Intel Xeon Phi Processors Giorgio, Joseph
Evolution of Intel processors: SoCs Andrew, Jaiden
Hyperthreading Erich, Cody
Apple A Series Aidan, Orion
M1/M2/M3 Apple Chips Jordan, Brandon
GPUs and the evolution of NVIDIA architectures Peter, Connor
Blackwell GPU Architecture Aidan, Luca (OUTSTANDING)
Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) Carlos, Colin
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) Argha
Cerebras Wafer-Scale Engine Alex, Campbell
OpenCL Christian
Row Hammer Justin, Steven (OUTSTANDING)
Spectre & Meltdown Attacks Tyler, Ryan
In-Memory Computing Daniel, Ryan
Neuromorphic Architectures Osman, Isaac
Photonic Computing Conor, Max (OUTSTANDING)
Quantum Computing Lisandro, Ivan


On the designated day for presentations, the instructors observe and evaluate specific aspects based on the following criteria:

  • [15 pt] Introduction: Clearly introduce the chosen technical topic. Articulate the significance and relevance of the topic in the context of the materials covered in class;
  • [35 pt] Content Organization and Material Coverage: Ensure logical presentation of information, maintaining coherence. Deliver an appropriate amount of relevant material within the allocated time;
  • [15 pt] Slide Organization and Visual Aids: Organize slides effectively and use visual aids judiciously for enhanced understanding;
  • [15 pt] Communication and Time Management: Demonstrate effective communication skills and utilize the assigned time wisely;
  • [20 pt] Team Preparedness: Exhibit thorough preparation, showcasing mastery of the assigned topic.