URI Data Mining Group

Welcome to the URI Data Mining Group.  The mission of the group is to disseminate information on data mining including, but not limited to, algorithms, methodologies, statistical foundations, and new results. We maintain an email list. If you would like to receive notifications about events or meetings regarding this group, please send an email indicating so to hamel@cs.uri.edu. Currently we are meeting every Monday from 2-3pm in Tyler Hall, Room 126.

Upcoming Talks for the Spring 2003 semester:

[2/20] Dr. Paul Mangiameli -- Diagnosing Breast Cancer with Ensemble Strategies for a Medical Diagnostic Decision Support System
           Talk will be held in INDEP 210, 3:30-4:45 (paper, powerpoint slides)
[2/24] Dr. Lutz Hamel -- Data Mining with Decision Trees (powerpoint slides)
[3/3] Dr. Lutz Hamel -- Data Mining beyond Decision Trees (html presentation slides)
[3/24] Julie Goodside -- The "Insightful Miner" Data Mining Tool
[3/31] Tim Ren -- Optimization of artificial neural networks in satellite remote sensing data analysis (powerpoint slides)
[4/7] Eric Kyper -- Neural Networks vs. Mars vs. Regression: A Comparison (thesis, powerpoint slides)
[4/14] Dr. Liliana Gonzalez -- Compute Intensive Statistics
[4/21] Venkat Surapaneni -- Exploratory Data Analysis for Data Mining (powerpoint slides)
[4/28] Peg Pelletier -- Bayesian Statistics and Data Analysis (powerpoint slides)
[5/5] No Presentation

Analysis of IVF Data
A Web-based Exploratory Data Analysis Tool
A High-Performance Data Mining Framework in MySQL
Inductive Equational Logic Programming

Background Material:
Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Third Edition, Two Crows Corporation, 1999. Local copy in PDF format.
Principles of Data Mining, David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth, MIT Press, 2001.
Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Other Resources:

Last modified: April 21st, 2003
Maintained by Lutz Hamel