HTML Tutorial
This tutorial is copyrighted by the Department of Computer Science at The University of Rhode Island. It may be freely copied and used providing that acknowledgement is given to the URI Dept. of Computer Science and that it is not used for profit. Questions should be sent to Dr. Vic Fay-Wolfe (
Before you begin the HTML Tutorial you need to set up another Internet Explorer window. The new Internet Explorer window is your experimental window, and will be called so throughout the tutorial. The experimental window is where you will view the HTML documents that you will be writing.
To open your experimental window;
Choose New from the File menu. After the new Internet Explorer window appears, resize and position it next to the window displaying the tutorial.
Note: This tutorial contains many examples. To better help you understand the examples they have been color coded. Red text indicates code that is being covered in that example, Blue
indicates code that has already been covered and is necessary to the HTML document, and finally Yellow indicates text that can be changed and isn't crucial to the HTML document.