GifConverter Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to shrink scanned pictures and how to convertPowerPoint files to GIF files.

How to shrink an image using GifConverter

  1. Find and run the GifConverter application. There will be no window, only menus when it is running.

  2. Choose Open from the File menu. Open your .jpg (scanned) picture. Keep the 'trust file type' button selected in the dialog box. A scanned picture must have a .jpg extension. If you did not put the right extension, change the file's name on the disk.

  3. Your picture should appear. You want the picture to be a reasonable size for a WWW page (say 3X3 or so). If your picture is too big, choose Select All from the Edit menu. Then, choose Scale from the Image menu. Set percentages that will reduce the picture to a reasonable size.

  4. Now choose Save As... from the File menu.

  5. In the dialog box, change the format to GIF (top of the format menu in the dialog box). Name the file file.gif (make up a name for file and save it on your disk). Make sure it is going to your disk, and not the desktop. If you scanned a photo, keep it as a JPEG. Line drawings are better as GIFS, but not photos.

  6. Quit GifConverter.

  7. Find and run jpegview. This is what Netscape use to view pictures. Choose Open from jpegview's File menu, to open your file to see what your picture will look like in Netscape.

How to convert a PowerPoint file to a GIF file

  1. Open your PowerPoint file (image).

  2. When the image is displayed choose Select All from the Edit menu.

  3. Now choose Copy from the Edit menu. This puts a copy of your image on the Clipboard and it is now ready to be pasted anywhere you want.

  4. Quit PowerPoint.

  5. Find and run GifConverter.You will probably not get a window, only menus.

  6. Choose New Graphic from the File menu. This will create a new window in which you can paste your PowerPoint image.

  7. A small window called Untitled should appear. This is where you will paste your image.

  8. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. Your image should appear in the window called Untitled.

  9. Choose Save As... from the File menu. In the dialog box name your file and be sure to choose gif as the format and the file must also have the .gif extension (in lowercase letters).

  10. Quit GifConverter.

  11. Find and run jpegview. This is what Netscape uses to view pictures. Choose Open from jpegview's File menu, to open your file to see what your picture will look like in Netscape.

Observe the following links:

HTML Tutorial Scanning Tutorial