I primarily teach two undergrad courses and two grad courses at present.
In Fall 2023, I taught CSC 411: Computer Organization, as well as CSC 592 (now 546): Algorithms for Big Data. In Spring 2024, I am teaching CSC 411 and CSC 440: Design & Analysis of Agorithms.
In Fall 2024, I will be on sabbatical.
My general teaching philosophy is to challenge students with large projects that are as close to "real world" research or industry work as is feasible. I abhor traditional exams, though I sometimes give oral take-home exams. I agree with the notion of "authentic assessment," which traditional exams are not.
I believe that most people learn best through building things, and so even in my Algorithms course, I have students write implementations of five essential algorithm design techniques, as well as perform benchmarking (empirical computer science) and analysis on these implementations.